ESL kids worksheets

Over 1,200 worksheets in more than 80 categories for ESL kids teachers

Worksheets for teaching ESL kids

Worksheets are a very important tool for learning English. Children learn in different ways and by engaging them with [hide_on_uk]coloring[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]colouring[/hide_on_us], drawing, exercises and puzzles their language skills can be further developed in a fun, meaningful way.

Having a short worksheet session during your lesson allows students to have quiet time whilst doing some interesting individual activities. The teacher can ask questions as students are doing their worksheets (e.g. What’s this?, Do you like apples?, etc.), they can be used as a review aid, they can be put on the classroom walls and they can be given for homework.

Worksheets for ESL kids

Click the thumbnail image to see that flashcard. Click the green print button to open a PDF to print.

Worksheet categories

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Below are all the worksheet categories at ESL KidStuff. Feel free to look around!