Full course

for ESL teens teachers

Level: Pre-intermediate (A2 – B1)

ESL teens lessons (pre-intermediate level)

Our full course lessons for teenagers are available to download as PDF mini-textbooks and PowerPoint slides. Supplementary PDF worksheets accompany these lessons. The lessons on this page are for the pre-intermediate level group (A1-A2).

Click on the lesson plan links and materials icons below to download and print.

ESL teenagers

Full course teens lessons: Pre-intermediate (A2 – B1) »

Over 60 English lessons for teenagers at a pre-intermediate level of English. These lessons are available as printable mini-textbooks and PowerPoint slides. Supplementary materials accompany lessons for extra practice or homework.

All these lesson materials are in American English and British English (use the language switcher in the menu to toggle between languages).

These are full course lessons.

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Free sample lessons!

Free sample lessons (Pre-intermediate level*)

Our lessons are available as PDF mini-textbooks and PowerPoint slides and come with supplementary materials. Access requires a membership. Check out our free sample lessons and materials to see what members get!

Free sample ESL teens lesson. Level Pre-Intermediate (A2 – B1). Unit 1, Lesson 3A.

A personal profile

Personal belongings and profiles.

(Unit 1, Lesson 3A – Level: Pre-intermediate A2–B1)

Free sample ESL teens lesson. Level Pre-Intermediate (A2 – B1). Unit 2, Lesson 1A.

Describing places

Describing and comparing places around the world.

(Unit 2, Lesson 1A – Level: Pre-intermediate A2–B1)

*For free samples in other levels, please use the level menu to go to those pages.

Our full list of full course lessons (Pre-intermediate A2 – B1)

Unit 1: First impressions



1A: Getting to know you.   Exchanging personal information.

1B: Interviews.   Interview someone with complex questions, asking follow-up questions.

2A: Rules and regulations.   Classroom rules and regulations, making a classroom contract, using modals should and shouldn’t.

2B: In the classroom.   Classroom technology, giving opinions.

3A: A personal profile.   Personal belongings and personal profiles. FREE SAMPLE!

3B: The perfect profile.   Writing a personal profile.

4A: Learning from your mistakes.   Correcting common mistakes in English.

4B: Correcting your mistakes.   Using correction codes to identify errors.

Download full unit: Unit 1

Unit 2: A good place to be



1A: Describing places.   Describing and comparing places around the world. FREE SAMPLE!

1B: Tourism.   Writing a leaflet for tourists.

2A: A place of interest.   Travel, transport and directions.

2B: Travel and journeys.   Travel problems, travel experiences and [hide_on_uk]favorite[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]favourite[/hide_on_us] places.

3A: Where to go?   Travel plans for a [hide_on_uk]vacation[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]holiday[/hide_on_us].

3B: Getting there.   Deciding on travel items to take, choosing a travel destination.

4A: Types of words.   How words work in text, word categories.

4B: Exploring and recording lexis.   Patterns in text, recording vocabulary.

Download full unit: Unit 2

Unit 3: A healthy life



1A: Time on your hands.   Hobbies, sports and pastimes, free time survey.

1B: Free time survey.   Interviewing classmates about their free-time.

2A: Healthy living.   Attitudes to sport and health, free-time preferences.

2B: Healthy lifestyles.   Sporting heroes and health issues.

3A: Sports personalities.   Finding out about a famous sports person, skillful activities.

3B: Interview with a sports star.   Well-known sports personalities.

4A: Generations.   Roles, role models and influence.

4B: Family interests.   Role models for teenagers.

Download full unit: Unit 3

Unit 4: Modern life



1A: Modern technology.   Technology and modern gadgets.

1B: Inventions.   Product advertising and gadget inventions.

2A: Home tech.   Past and present technological devices.

2B: Future homes.   Predictions for future tech.

3A: Tech facts.   Presenting a mobile device.

3B: IT and you.   Giving opinions on IT and computers.

4A: Future schools.   The future of education.

4B: Time online.   Creating an app and discussing online education.

Download full unit: Unit 4

Unit 5: Food glorious food!



1A: Nourishment.   Food, drink and creating recipes.

1B: Recipe of the week.   Recipes and dishes from around the world.

2A: Where shall we eat today?   Healthy food and eating out.

2B: Healthy eating.   Healthy and non-healthy eating habits.

3A: Festival time.   Festivals and celebrations.

3B: Festival competition.   Presenting an important day.

4A: The big day.   Different types of parties and party food.

4B: Let’s party!   Making party plans.

Download full unit: Unit 5

Unit 6: Fame & fortune



1A: On TV.   Discussing well-known people.

1B: In the studio.   Interviewing a well-known person on a TV chat show.

2A: The silver screen.   Movies and movie stars.

2B: Movie night.   The daily life of a film director.

3A: Superhero.   Comic books and fictional characters.

3B: Super powers.   Creating a fictional character.

4A: Fame for a day.   Comparing the lives of celebrities.

4B: High-profile.   Fame and success.

Download full unit: Unit 6

Unit 7: Let’s go shopping



1A: Shop till you drop.   Shopping and different shopping facilities.

1B: Party planner.   Planning a shopping trip for a party.

2A: Retail spaces.   Shopping and buying things.

2B: Shopping quiz.   Language used to talk about shopping.

3A: Inside a department store.   Department stores and shopping experiences.

3B: Store designer.   Designing a department store.

4A: Spending and saving.   Reading and talking about money.

4B: The right price.   Talking about buying and selling things.

Download full unit: Unit 7

Unit 8: Looking ahead



1A: Future directions.   Making future predictions.

1B: Life in the future.   Making predictions about important future situations.

2A: Discoveries and inventions.   Inventions and important past achievements.

2B: Smart thinking.   Past, present and future achievements.

3A: Job choices.   Attending a future event, jobs and work conditions.

3B: Going it alone.   Work and careers, an ideal career.

4A: Life events.   Key life events, career plans.

4B: Realize the dream.   Working part time, future choices.

Download full unit: Unit 8

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