Full course

for ESL teens teachers

Level: Upper-intermediate (B2 – C1)

ESL teens lessons (upper-int level)

Our full course lessons for teenagers are available to download as PDF mini-textbooks and PowerPoint slides. Supplementary PDF worksheets accompany these lessons. The lessons on this page are for the upper-intermediate (B2 – C1) level group.

Click on the lesson plan links and materials icons below to download and print.

ESL teenagers

Full course teens lessons: Upper-intermediate (B2 – C1) »

Over 60 English lessons for teenagers at an upper-intermediate level of English. These lessons are available as printable mini-textbooks and PowerPoint slides. Supplementary materials accompany lessons for extra practice or homework.

All these lesson materials are in American English and British English (use the language switcher in the menu to toggle between languages).

These are full course lessons.

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Free sample lessons!

Free sample lessons (Upper-intermediate level*)

Our lessons are available as PDF mini-textbooks and PowerPoint slides and come with supplementary materials. Access requires a membership. Check out our free sample lessons and materials to see what members get!

Free sample ESL teens lesson. Level Upper-Intermediate (B2 – C1). Unit 2, Lesson 1A.

Places and people

Links between people and places.

(Unit 2, Lesson 1A – Level: Upper-intermediate B2–C1)

Free sample ESL teens lesson. Level Upper-Intermediate (B2 – C1). Unit 3, Lesson 4A.

Familiar activities

Routines and habits.

(Unit 3, Lesson 4A – Level: Upper-intermediate B2–C1)

*For free samples in other levels, please use the level menu to go to those pages.

Our full list of full course lessons (Upper-intermediate B2 – C1)

Unit 1: Off on the right foot



1A: Who we really are.   Shared interests and personal characteristics.

1B: Right for the job.   Job interviews.

2A: Rules and regulations.   Classroom rules and regulations.

2B: Attitudes to rules.   What young people think about learning, debating school rules.

3A: Personal profile.   Finding out personal details to create an online identity.

3B: Building a profile.   Constructing a profile of another person.

4A: A matter of confidence.   Exploring student errors, informal language.

4B: A slight mistake.   Correcting student errors with a correction code.

Download full unit: Unit 1

Unit 2: Get away from it all



1A: Places and people.   Links between people and places, writing a blog entry. FREE SAMPLE!

1B: Tourism task.   Presenting tourism ideas, comparing spoken and written text.

2A: Itineraries and adventures.   Travel experiences, planning for a trip.

2B: Amazing journeys.   Describing a journey, planning an itinerary for a trip.

3A: Destinations and expectations.   Airports and travel destinations, factual information and large numbers.

3B: Travel problems.   Solving problems for air [hide_on_uk]travelers[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]travellers[/hide_on_us].

4A: Sources for lexis.   Exploring word combinations, learning and recording new vocabulary.

4B: Exploring and recording words.   Travel survey, ideas for recording new vocabulary, word categories.

Download full unit: Unit 2

Unit 3: Having a field day



1A: Enjoy yourself.   Free time and leisure activities.

1B: Leisure survey research.   Class survey on leisure.

2A: The sporting life.   Sporting activities and their benefits.

2B: Negative aspects of sport.   Debate an issue related to sports professionals.

3A: Your well-being.   Activities which effect your well-being.

3B: Expert and novice.   Giving practical advice.

4A: Familiar activities.   Routines and habits. FREE SAMPLE!

4B: A form of play.   Exploring aspects of the word ‘play’.

Download full unit: Unit 3

Unit 4: News & the net



1A: Here is the news.   News and newspapers.

1B: A newsworthy article.   Writing a news article.

2A: Read all about it.   Reviewing an app.

2B: To text or not to text?   Texting by phone.

3A: The Internet question.   Technology, the internet, social-networking.

3B: Social networking.   Using different social network platforms.

4A: 100% Online.   Learning languages online.

4B: Learning English online.   Strategies for learning a language.

Download full unit: Unit 4

Unit 5: We are what we eat



1A: Natural living.   Eating habits and healthy eating.

1B: The good life.   Planning an ideal place to live in the country.

2A: Health and lifestyle.   Diet and good health.

2B: The key to health.   The relationship between diet and health.

3A: Getting together.   Social behavior and socializing.

3B: The big event.   Social occasions, planning a special event.

4A: A customary practice.   Traditions and traditional values.

4B: Eating customs.   Food and celebrations, local recipes.

Download full unit: Unit 5

Unit 6: Entertainment



1A: Show time.   Culture and how young entertain themselves.

1B: Exhibitions.   Designing an exhibit and a pamphlet.

2A: That’s entertainment.   Entertainment and enjoying yourself.

2B: Great times.   Gaming and preferred forms of entertainment.

3A: A spectacular performance.   [hide_on_uk]Movies[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]Films[/hide_on_us] from different genres, [hide_on_uk]movie[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]film[/hide_on_us] reviews.

3B: Your review.   Writing a review of a [hide_on_uk]movie[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]film[/hide_on_us], presenting a [hide_on_uk]favorite movie[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]favourite film[/hide_on_us].

4A: Icons.   Well-known people.

4B: Justifiably famous.   Famous figures, justifying award winners.

Download full unit: Unit 6

Unit 7: Window shopping



1A: Retail therapy.   Shopping and commerce.

1B: Shopping trips.   Planning a shopping trip.

2A: For the love of money.   Money and shopping outlets.

2B: Money to burn.   Finance and world currencies.

3A: Flagship store.   Retail spaces and department stores.

3B: Summing up.   A well-known department store.

4A: Top brands.   Branding, marketing and advertising.

4B: Faulty goods.   Creating a brand, TV ads, returning faulty goods.

Download full unit: Unit 7

Unit 8: Working life



1A: Finding the right job.   Jobs and job advertisements.

1B: The right candidate.   Job interviews.

2A: The future looks bright.   Careers and professional development.

2B: Training and development.   Professional profiles, training and development.

3A: Where to work?   Work-related practices.

3B: Working from home.   Debating workplace practices.

4A: Where there’s a will.   Motivations at work.

4B: An inspiration.   Profiles of working people.

Download full unit: Unit 8

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