Mini lessons
Mini lessons
for ESL teens teachers
Alphabet, phonics & reading for ESL teens
ESL teens mini lessons for teachers
Our mini lessons are short lessons to use within your main lesson for alphabet, phonics or reading practice. Click on the lesson plan links and materials icons below to download and print.

Mini-lessons: All levels »
Our mini lessons can be included within your main lesson and should take around 10-20 minutes to complete.
All these lesson materials are in American English and British English (use the language switcher at the top to toggle between languages).
Our full list of mini lessons
Alphabet a-z »
12 mini lessons:
Letter clusters + phonics »
8 mini lessons:
Grammar, Vocabulary and Lexis sheets »
Supplement your lessons with our worksheets to help your students learn and improve their grammar and vocabulary.
LEVELS: Beginner & Elementary (A0-A2) | Pre-Intermediate & Intermediate (A2-B2)
65 mini lessons:
Ability with ‘can’ & ‘can’t’ FREE SAMPLE!
Auxiliary verbs ‘do’, ‘did’ and ‘can’
Conjunctions ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘so’
Count & Uncount nouns
Describing flags – adjectives
Don’t & Doesn’t
Future – ‘will’ & continuous
Future plans with present continuous
How much? this/these/that/those
Nationality & Language
Nouns & Verbs
Passives in the present
Past tense & time phrases
Past tense questions
Phrasal verbs
Plurals with “There is / are”
Prepositions of location
Prepositions of location / space / time
Present perfect tense
Present perfective with ‘ever/never’
Present tense verbs
Pronouns for names
Pronouns for cohesion
Quantities of things 1
Quantities of things 2
Saying years
Uses of ‘s’
Verb phrases
Vowels & Consonants | a/an
Word stress
Would (modal verb)
Would for suggestions and requests
Yes/no questions
Collocations FREE SAMPLE!
Comparing with adjectives
Compound words
Conjuncts to link ideas
Future plans
Future predictions with ‘will’
Future predictions with ‘will’ & ‘might’
I’d prefer, rather & like
If-clauses & ‘so’ to show contrast
Indirect questions
‘like’ categories
Modal auxiliary verbs
Modifying ideas
Negative prefixes
Passive voice 1
Passive voice 2
Prepositional phrases
Present simple for useful information
Pronouns for cohesion
Relative pronouns
Reported speech
Sequencing events
Tag questions
Early reading »
6 mini lessons:
Reading & writing short texts »
8 mini lessons:

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