Mini lessons

Mini lessons
for ESL teens teachers

Alphabet, phonics & reading for ESL teens

ESL teens mini lessons for teachers

Our mini lessons are short lessons to use within your main lesson for alphabet, phonics or reading practice. Click on the lesson plan links and materials icons below to download and print.

ESL teenagers

Mini-lessons: All levels »

Our mini lessons can be included within your main lesson and should take around 10-20 minutes to complete.

All these lesson materials are in American English and British English (use the language switcher at the top to toggle between languages).

These are mini lesson plans.

Our lesson plan categories:

Kids stand-alone lessons (61)

Kids full course lessons (171)

Teens lessons (392)

Teens mini lessons (99)

Free sample lessons!

Free sample lessons

Our mini lesson plans are free but their associated materials require a membership. Check out our free sample lessons and materials to see what members get!

Alphabet and phonics »

Alphabet a-e (Lowercase) – Identify, recognize, say and print 5 lowercase letters – a, b c, d and e.

Alphabet A-E (Uppercase) – Identify, recognize, say and print 5 uppercase letters – A, B, C, D and E.

Letter clusters and phonics »

Vowel clusters “oo” “ee” “ou” – Identify, recognize, say and print 3 vowel clusters – “oo”, “ee” and “ou”.

Grammar, vocabulary and lexis »

Ability with ‘can’ & ‘can’t’ – Saying what you can and can’t do.

Collocations – Words that go together.

Early reading »

Funny sentences 1 – Read, understand, say and write some simple sentences.

Reading short texts »

Text 5: My bedroom – Read and understand a simple text about a girl describing her bedroom. Then write about your bedroom.

Our full list of mini lessons

Alphabet a-z »

12 mini lessons:

Early words a-z lesson

Alphabet a-z (Lowercase letters)

Identify, recognize, say and print 26 lowercase letters, read and print some simple words.

These lessons are for Beginner and Early starter level students.

PDF lesson plan. Use our framework and teaching guide for all 7 alphabet mini-lessons.

Use the following materials for each of the alphabet mini-lessons:

Mini lesson 1: Alphabet a-e FREE SAMPLE!

Mini lesson 2: Alphabet f-j

Mini lesson 3: Alphabet k-o

Mini lesson 4: Early words a-o

Mini lesson 5: Alphabet p-t

Mini lesson 6: Alphabet u-z

Mini lesson 7: Early words a-z

Alphabet A-Z (uppercase) lesson plan

Alphabet A-Z (Uppercase letters)

Identify, recognize, say and print 26 uppercase letters.

These lessons are for Beginner and Early starter level students.

PDF lesson plan. Use our framework and teaching guide for all 5 alphabet (uppercase) mini-lessons.

Use the following materials for each of the alphabet uppercase mini-lessons:

Mini lesson 1: Alphabet A-E FREE SAMPLE!

Mini lesson 2: Alphabet F-J

Mini lesson 3: Alphabet K-O

Mini lesson 4: Alphabet P-T

Mini lesson 5: Alphabet U-Z

Letter clusters + phonics »

8 mini lessons:

Letter clusters + phonics lessons for ESL kids

Phonics mini lessons

Identify and recognize 3 letter clusters per mini-lesson.

This lesson is for Early starter level students and above.

PDF lesson plan. Use our framework and teaching guide for all 8 letter clusters and phonics mini-lessons.

Use the following materials for each of the letter clusters and phonics mini-lessons:

Mini lesson 1: Vowel clusters “oo” “ee” “ou” FREE SAMPLE!

Mini lesson 2: Consonant clusters “th” “sh” “ch”

Mini lesson 3: Review clusters 1

Mini lesson 4: Vowel clusters “ai” “oa” “ea”

Mini lesson 5: Mixed clusters clusters “er” “ar” “or”

Mini lesson 6: Review clusters 2

Mini lesson 7: Vowel clusters “ue” “ui” “oi”

Mini lesson 8: Clusters “oo” “th”

Grammar, Vocabulary and Lexis sheets »

Supplement your lessons with our worksheets to help your students learn and improve their grammar and vocabulary.

LEVELS: Beginner & Elementary (A0-A2) | Pre-Intermediate & Intermediate (A2-B2)

65 mini lessons:

Level: Beginner & Elementary (A0-A2)

Ability with ‘can’ & ‘can’t’ FREE SAMPLE!

Activities with ‘ing’

Adjectives & Adverbs (1)

Adjectives & Adverbs (2)

Article ‘the’ usage

Auxiliary verbs ‘do’, ‘did’ and ‘can’

Comparative adjectives

Comparatives & superlatives

Conjunctions ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘so’

Conjunctions to link clauses

Count & Uncount nouns

Describing flags – adjectives

Don’t & Doesn’t

Future – ‘will’ & continuous

Future plans with present continuous

How much? this/these/that/those

Nationality & Language

Nouns & Verbs

Passives in the present

Past tense & time phrases

Past tense questions

Phrasal verbs


Plurals with “There is / are”

Prepositions of location

Prepositions of location / space / time

Present perfect tense

Present perfective with ‘ever/never’

Present tense verbs

Pronouns for names

Pronouns for cohesion

Quantities of things 1

Quantities of things 2

Saying years

Uses of ‘s’

Verb phrases

Vowels & Consonants | a/an

Word stress

Would (modal verb)

Would for suggestions and requests

Yes/no questions

Level: Pre-Intermediate & Intermediate (A2-B2)

Collocations FREE SAMPLE!

Comparing with adjectives

Compound words

Conjuncts to link ideas

Future plans

Future predictions with ‘will’

Future predictions with ‘will’ & ‘might’

I’d prefer, rather & like

If-clauses & ‘so’ to show contrast

Indirect questions

‘like’ categories

Modal auxiliary verbs

Modifying ideas

Negative prefixes

Passive voice 1

Passive voice 2

Prepositional phrases

Present simple for useful information


Pronouns for cohesion

Relative pronouns

Reported speech

Sequencing events

Tag questions

Early reading »

6 mini lessons:

Early reading lessons for ESL kids

Funny sentences

Read, understand and write 6 sentences per mini-lesson.

This lesson is for Early reader level students.

PDF lesson plan. Use our framework and teaching guide for all 6 funny sentences mini-lessons.

Use the following materials for each of the funny sentences mini-lessons:

Funny sentences 1 FREE SAMPLE!

Funny sentences 2

Funny sentences 3

Funny sentences 4

Funny sentences 5

Funny sentences 6

Reading & writing short texts »

8 mini lessons:

Reading short text 1: I'm Tom

1. Text 1: I’m Tom

Read, understand, say and write some simple sentences about a young boy and yourself.

Reading short text 2: Paula the penguin

2. Text 2: Paula the penguin

Read, understand, say and write some simple sentences about penguins and pets.

Reading short text 3: Superhero kids

3. Text 3: Superhero kids

Read and understand a simple text about the superpowers of each superhero kid. Then write a short text about a new superhero kid.

Reading short text 4: Rob the robot

4. Text 4: Rob the robot

Read and understand a simple text about a robot and what he does during the week and [hide_on_uk]on[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]at[/hide_on_us] weekends. Then write a short text about another robot’s weekdays and weekends.

Reading short text 5: My bedroom

5. Text 5: My bedroom FREE SAMPLE!

Read and understand a simple text about a girl describing her bedroom. Then write a short text about your bedroom.

Reading short text 6: Ronaldo is great

6. Text 6: Ronaldo is great

Read and understand a simple text about the famous [hide_on_uk]soccer[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]football[/hide_on_us] player Ronaldo. Then write a short text about another famous person.

Reading short text 7: Winola the witch

7. Text 7: Winola the witch

Read and understand a simple text about a witch’s recipe for making a flying potion. Then write a short text about another witch and her potion recipe.

Reading short text 8: A super tall building

8. Text 8: A super tall building

Read and understand a simple text about one of the world’s tallest buildings, ‘Burj Khalifa’. Then write a short text about your school building.

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