Full course

Lesson plans
for ESL kids teachers

Lessons for ESL kids aged 7-9

ESL kids full course lesson plans for teachers

Our full course lesson plans are free to use – just click on the lesson plan links below and print. Access to the flashcards, worksheets, craft sheets, PowerPoint lessons, songs and classroom readers, however, require a membership.

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BEAR CUBS - Level 1 - Age 3-5
KOALAS - Level 2 - Age 5-7
PANDAS - Level 3 - Age 7-9
GOLDEN BEARS - Level 4 - Age 9-12

Lesson pages (by age):

3-5 years | 5-7 | 7-9 | 9-12

Full course lessons: Age 7-9 years »

Level 3 lessons: Pandas

A full course of lessons for the 7-9 year old age group. These lesson plans are full course lessons. Each lesson plan is part of a syllabus.

All these lesson materials are in American English and British English (use the language switcher at the top to toggle between languages).

Click here to download full syllabus.

Click here to download full syllabus.

These are full course lesson plans.

Our lesson plan categories:

Stand-alone lessons (61)

Full course lessons (171)

Mini lessons (45)

Teens lessons (392)

Free sample lessons!

Free sample lessons

Our lesson plans are free but their associated materials require a membership. Check out our free sample lessons and materials to see what members get!

Intro lesson: "Hello!"

1. Intro lesson: “Hello!”

Greetings, ask & answer personal questions, use modal verbs for rules, identify different classroom stationery.

Days of the week: "What day is it?"

9. Days of the week: “What day is it?”

Saying the days of the week, describing weekly routines.

Our full list of full course lesson plans (ages 7-9)

AGES 7-9 » lesson plans

Intro lesson: "Hello!"

1. Intro lesson: “Hello!”

Greetings, ask & answer personal questions, use modal verbs for rules, identify different classroom stationery.

In the classroom 1: "What's in your bag?"

2. In the classroom 1: “What’s in your bag?”

Identify different classroom stationery, say [hide_on_uk]colors[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]colours[/hide_on_us] of things.

In the classroom 2: "There are 6 chairs"

3. In the classroom 2: “There are 6 chairs”

Identify and say 5 different objects in the classroom, counting classroom objects.

Likes and dislikes 1: "I like pizza!"

4. Likes and dislikes 1: “I like pizza!”

Talking about likes and dislikes for food.

Likes and dislikes 2: "Do you like cheese?"

5. Likes and dislikes 2: “Do you like cheese?”

Talking about likes and dislikes for food, asking yes/no questions about likes and dislikes.

Weather: "I like sunny weather"

6. Weather: “I like sunny weather”

Talking about different weather conditions, asking about likes and dislikes for food, drinks and weather.

Clothes and weather 1: "Put on your shoes"

7. Clothes and weather 1: “Put on your shoes”

Identifying different items of clothing.

Clothes and weather 2: "They're gloves"

8. Clothes and weather 2: “They’re gloves”

Identifying different clothing, talking about the weather.

Days of the week: "What day is it?"

9. Days of the week: “What day is it?”

Saying the days of the week, describing weekly routines.

Daily routines & time 1: "What time is it?"

10. Daily routines & time 1: “What time is it?”

Saying the time, describing daily routines.

Daily routines & time 2: "I wake up at 7 o’clock"

11. Daily routines & time 2: “I wake up at 7 o’clock”

Identifying numbers 1-20, saying the time, describing daily routines.

Daily routines & time 3: "It's a quarter to 4"

12. Daily routines & time 3: “It’s a quarter to 4”

Identifying numbers 1-30, saying the specific time.

Daily routines & time 4: "In the afternoon"

13. Daily routines & time 4: “In the afternoon”

Saying what time you usually do things, saying 4 different times of the day.

Ability and family 1: "Can you swim?"

14. Ability and family 1: “Can you swim?”

Asking about and saying what you can and can’t do for various exercises and actions. Also, explaining your parents’ abilities.

Ability and family 2: "My mother can drive"

15. Ability and family 2: “My mother can drive”

Asking about and saying what you and your family members can and can’t do for various exercises and actions.

Body and family 1: "Big eyes, small ears"

16. Body and family 1: “Big eyes, small ears”

Identifying key parts of the body and describing family members’ physical features.

Body and family 2: "My hair is 40 cm long"

17. Body and family 2: “My hair is 40 cm long”

Identifying and measuring parts of the body, counting to 150.

Pets and possessions 1: “My pets”

18. Pets and possessions 1: “My pets”

Talking about different pets and possessions (using “[hide_on_uk]I have[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]I’ve got[/hide_on_us] …”).

Pets and possessions 2: “I have a pet dog”

19. Pets and possessions 2: “[hide_on_uk]I have[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]I’ve got[/hide_on_us] a pet dog”

Talking about different pets and possessions (using “[hide_on_uk]I have[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]I’ve got[/hide_on_us] …”).

Months and seasons 2: "Four seasons"

21. Months and seasons 2: “Four seasons”

Talking about the months and seasons of the year.

Months and seasons 3: "August is in summer"

22. Months and seasons 3: “August is in summer”

Talking about the months and seasons of the year.

Describing people 1: "My friend is tall"

23. Describing people 1: “My friend is tall”

Describing people using adjectives. Saying birthday dates with ordinal numbers.

Describing people 2: "I’m medium height"

24. Describing people 2: “I’m medium height”

Describing people using adjectives. Saying birthday dates with ordinal numbers.

Describing things 1: "A long snake"

25. Describing things 1: “A long snake”

Describing things and animals with common adjectives.

Describing things 2: "My shoes are dirty"

26. Describing things 2: “My shoes are dirty”

Describing things and animals with common adjectives.

Special lesson plans »

These can be dropped into your syllabus at the required time:

Christmas ESL lesson plan

Christmas lesson: “Merry Christmas!”

Recognize and identify 8 Christmas words and sing a Christmas carol. Make and present Christmas cards.

Halloween ESL lesson plan

Halloween lesson: “Happy Halloween!”

Recognize and identify 9 Halloween words, label the body parts on a picture and sing a Halloween song.

Easter lesson: "Happy Easter!"

Easter lesson: “Happy Easter!”

Have fun with Easter themes. Identify and recognize 8 Easter words and say where things are with 7 prepositions.

Thanksgiving ESL lesson plan

Thanksgiving lesson: “Happy Thanksgiving!”

Have fun with Thanksgiving themes, discuss being thankful.

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