Full course
for ESL teens teachers
Level: Intermediate (B1 – B2)
ESL teens lessons (intermediate level)
Our full course lessons for teenagers are available to download as PDF mini-textbooks and PowerPoint slides. Supplementary PDF worksheets accompany these lessons. The lessons on this page are for the intermediate level group (B1–B2).
Click on the lesson plan links and materials icons below to download and print.
Full course teens lessons: Intermediate (B1 – B2) »
Over 60 English lessons for teenagers at an intermediate level of English. These lessons are available as printable mini-textbooks and PowerPoint slides. Supplementary materials accompany lessons for extra practice or homework.
All these lesson materials are in American English and British English (use the language switcher in the menu to toggle between languages).
Our full list of full course lessons (Intermediate B1 – B2)
Unit 1: New beginnings
1A: Finding out about people. Asking for personal information, keeping conversations going.
1B: Are you telling the truth? Interviewing someone with complex questions to find out personal details, informal conversation.
2A: Negotiating rules. Rules and responsibilities, classroom rules.
2B: Class contracts. Classroom rules and regulations, classroom contract.
3A: Personal information. Personal belongings, personal information, creating a personal profile.
3B: Personal profiles. Writing a personal profile, common adjectives.
4A: Exploring and recording errors. Correcting common mistakes in English.
4B: Correcting errors. Correction codes for correcting errors.
Download full unit: Unit 1
Unit 2: Going places
1A: Travel destinations. Describing places, presenting facts and figures. FREE SAMPLE!
1B: Deciding destinations. Deciding where to go and expressing preferences.
2A: Destination bright lights. Comparing places, explaining key stages of a trip.
2B: Tourist attractions. Choosing tourist destinations to visit in a city.
3A: Urban solutions. City facts and large numbers.
3B: City improvements. Presenting information on a city.
4A: Formal matters. Formality in writing, different word categories.
4B: Exploring and recording words. Key patterns and phrases in English, strategies in learning new vocabulary.
Download full unit: Unit 2
Unit 3: A talent for leisure
1A: Recreation. Free time and recreation activities.
1B: Recreation survey. Interviewing classmates about leisure activities.
2A: Team players. Sports and games.
2B: Fancy a game? Explaining the rules of a game or sport.
3A: Aptitude and abilities. Personal skills and abilities. FREE SAMPLE!
3B: Are you telling the truth? Asking questions about abilities.
4A: Remarkable memories. How we remember things.
4B: Test your memory. Conducting a memory test.
Download full unit: Unit 3
Unit 4: High tech
1A: Getting it across. Giving opinions on text messaging.
1B: Texting. Designing an advert for a messaging app.
2A: Communication. How people communicate.
2B: Communication problems. Suggesting solutions to communication problems.
3A: Teen tech. Technology and gadgets.
3B: Using the Internet. Statistics about teen technology use.
4A: Classroom tech. IT usage in the classroom.
4B: Learn online. Using the internet to learn English.
Download full unit: Unit 4
Unit 5: Let’s eat
1A: Essential eating. Food and drink, mealtime customs.
1B: Fish sticks come from chickens. Eating habits.
2A: Fill your plate. National and regional foods.
2B: Eating abroad. Food-related tips for visitors.
3A: Mind your manners. Cultural differences at mealtimes.
3B: Table manners. Reporting views on manners.
4A: Festivals and festivities. Important days and events.
4B: Up, up and away. Interesting and unusual festivals.
Download full unit: Unit 5
Unit 6: On the silver screen
1A: Fame and fortune. What it means to be famous.
1B: Cast your vote. Attending an award ceremony.
2A: Rising star. Well-known celebrities.
2B: Special categories. A famous movie star.
3A: It’s a wrap! Different types of [hide_on_uk]movies[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]films[/hide_on_us].
3B: A [hide_on_uk]favorable[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]favourable[/hide_on_us] review. Writing a [hide_on_uk]movie[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]film[/hide_on_us] review.
4A: Claims to fame. Different aspects of being famous.
4B: Onscreen success. How to become famous.
Download full unit: Unit 6
Unit 7: On the shop floor
1A: Shopping local. Shopping and different types of retail outlets.
1B: Designing a retail space. Explaining your reasons for decisions.
2A: Bought and sold. Talking about money and finances.
2B: Money makes the world go round. Currencies and prices.
3A: Under one roof. Shopping for clothes.
3B: Shopping habits. Shopping habits and preferences.
4A: The leading brand. Advertising and branding.
4B: Logo success. Creating a logo.
Download full unit: Unit 7
Unit 8: Life choices
1A: Life changes. Stages in life and key life events.
1B: A biography. Writing a biographical text.
2A: Steps in education. Education and study.
2B: Study choices. Higher education and studying abroad.
3A: Dream jobs. Work and the professional lives.
3B: Professional lives. Jobs and employment.
4A: Getting ahead. Moving abroad.
4B: Future plans. Plans for the future.
Download full unit: Unit 8