Full course

for ESL teens teachers

Level: Beginner (A0 – A1)

ESL teens lessons (beginner level)

Our full course lessons for teenagers are available to download as PDF mini-textbooks and PowerPoint slides. Supplementary PDF worksheets accompany these lessons. The lessons on this page are for the beginner level group (A0-A1).

Click on the lesson plan links and materials icons below to download and print.

ESL teenagers

Full course teens lessons: Beginners (A0 – A1) »

Over 70 English lessons for teenagers at a beginner level of English. These lessons are available as printable mini-textbooks and PowerPoint slides. Supplementary materials accompany lessons for extra practice or homework.

All these lesson materials are in American English and British English (use the language switcher in the menu to toggle between languages).

These are full course lessons.

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Free sample lessons!

Free sample lessons (Beginner level*)

Our lessons are available as PDF mini-textbooks and PowerPoint slides and come with supplementary materials. Access requires a membership. Check out our free sample lessons and materials to see what members get!

Free sample ESL teens lesson. Level Beginner (A0-A1). Unit 1, Lesson 2A.

Numbers of things

Asking how people feel, numbers 0-10.

(Unit 1, Lesson 2A – Level: Beginners A0-A1)

Free sample ESL teens lesson. Level Beginner (A0-A1). Unit 1, Lesson 3A.

Letters and words

The alphabet, numbers 11-20.

(Unit 1, Lesson 3A – Level: Beginners A0-A1)

*For free samples in other levels, please use the level menu to go to those pages.

Our full list of full course lessons (Beginner A0 – A1)

Unit 1: Let’s start



1A: Names and introductions.   Greetings, introductions, basic actions.

1B: All about me.   Writing a self introduction, saying goodbye.

2A: Numbers of things.   Asking how people feel, numbers 0-10, saying how many. FREE SAMPLE!

2B: What’s your number?   Numbers 1-10, saying phone numbers, short phone conversations.

3A: Letters and words.   Saying the alphabet, spelling words, numbers 11-20. FREE SAMPLE!

3B: Asking questions.   Exchanging personal information by asking questions, talking about family members, using pronouns.

4A: Things in class.   Classroom objects, numbers 21-100.

4B: Rules & help.   Class rules, asking for help, articles “a” and “an”.

Download full unit: Unit 1

Unit 2: Time, place and family



1A: Times and days.   Telling the time, times of day and days of the week.

1B: Timetables.   School subjects and schedules, word syllables and word stress.

2A: People and places.   Countries and nationalities, saying where you are from, [hide_on_uk]colors[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]colours[/hide_on_us], describing flags.

2B: [hide_on_uk]Favorite[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]Favourite[/hide_on_us] places.   [hide_on_uk]Colors[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]Colours[/hide_on_us], preferences, describing places with adjectives.

3A: City and country.   Features in nature and in cities, naming places and buildings, using prepositions to say where things are.

3B: A new country.   Presenting information about a country, writing about your home country.

4A: Families at home.   Your family and where you live.

4B: Meet the family.   Families and their homes, using pronouns to indicate ownership of things.

Download full unit: Unit 2

Unit 3: Leisure and interests



1A: My free time.   Free time activities and how often you do them.

1B: Free time survey.   Class interviews about free time activities.

2A: Things you do.   Sports, games and other activities, likes and dislikes.

2B: Sports and games.   Sport and sport preferences.

3A: Helping out.   Personal preferences, likes & dislikes, hobbies & pastimes.

3B: Likes and dislikes.   Giving opinions about things people do, using connection words.

4A: My world.   Daily routines and the times that you do things, using adjectives and adverbs.

4B: What are you like?   Asking and answering about daily routines, writing a personal profile.

Download full unit: Unit 3

Unit 4: We can do it!



1A: I can sing.   Abilities and how good you are at them.

1B: I’m good at it.   Asking and answering about abilities.

2A: The body in question.   Parts of the body and face.

2B: Describing people.   Describing how people look.

3A: Kids can do it.   Facts about the human body, how well you can do things.

3B: Challenges.   Creating a physical and metal exercise survey. Replying to a party invitation.

4A: Animal facts.   Animal facts and animal categories.

4B: Animal abilities.   Giving information about animals and their lives.

Download full unit: Unit 4

Unit 5: When was it?



1A: It’s her birthday.   Birthdays and birthday celebrations. Using the word ‘wish’.

1B: When’s your birthday?   Creating a class birthday chart. Making party plans.

2A: Everyone together.   Celebrations and festivals, writing words for years.

2B: Important dates.   Years and large numbers. International festivals.

3A: Days and dates.   Time phrases, dates and past events. Past tense verb forms.

3B: Special days.   Describing past events and special days. Large numbers.

4A: A day to remember.   Talking about last summer. Describing the weather. Past tense question forms.

4B: Seasons and climate.   Seasons and the climate in your country. Celebrations.

Download full unit: Unit 5

Unit 6: Having fun



1A: A night out.   Going out with friends.

1B: Going out and staying in.   Different activities to do at night.

2A: Movie time.   Types of films and film preferences.

2B: Movie habits survey.   Film viewing habits of your classmates.

3A: Books and authors.   Books and people who write them.

3B: Types of books.   Different types of books and book preferences.

4A: In the news.   News topics and news sources.

4B: News topics.   Interesting news topics and articles.

Download full unit: Unit 6

Unit 7: Out & about



1A: Eat and drink.   Food and drink preferences.

1B: Food around the world.   Food from around the world and using plurals.

2A: Let’s go shopping.   Shopping and supermarket jobs.

2B: Supermarket shopping.   Deciding what to buy for a trip from a supermarket.

3A: Money, money, money.   Buying things and say how much they cost.

3B: What shall we buy?   Shopping plans and your shopping preferences.

4A: Something to wear.   Describing what people wear and discussing fashion.

4B: Can I help you?   Describing clothes and shopping in a clothing outlet.

Download full unit: Unit 7

Unit 8: Looking back



1A: Back then.   Life stages and age groups.

1B: A helping hand.   Problems and giving advice.

2A: Home sweet home.   Describing houses and homes.

2B: Grandma’s house.   Different types of home, your dream home.

3A: Old school.   School and the classroom, education in the past.

3B: Time for class.   Shopping plans and your School subjects, welcoming exchange students.

4A: Back in the day.   Exploring years, events and people from the past.

4B: History and heroes.   Historical books, impressive historical people.

Download full unit: Unit 8

Unit 9: Good to talk



1A: The texting debate.   Electronic devices and texting..

1B: Just text it.   Texting survey and texting habits.

2A: Let’s chat.   Communication methods, writing text messages.

2B: An unusual message.   Traditional and unusual means of communication.

3A: Search engines.   Searching for information, using search engines.

3B: Online habits.   Internet usage survey.

4A: Speak up.   Animal communication, non-verbal communication.

4B: Communication.   Body language, insect communication.

Download full unit: Unit 9

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