Full course

for ESL teens teachers

Level: Elementary (A1 – A2)

ESL teens lessons (elementary level)

Our full course lessons for teenagers are available to download as PDF mini-textbooks and PowerPoint slides. Supplementary PDF worksheets accompany these lessons. The lessons on this page are for the elementary level group (A1-A2).

Click on the lesson plan links and materials icons below to download and print.

ESL teenagers

Full course teens lessons: Elementary (A1 – A2) »

Over 60 English lessons for teenagers at an elementary level of English. These lessons are available as printable mini-textbooks and PowerPoint slides. Supplementary materials accompany lessons for extra practice or homework.

All these lesson materials are in American English and British English (use the language switcher in the menu to toggle between languages).

These are full course lessons.

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Free sample lessons!

Free sample lessons (Elementary level*)

Our lessons are available as PDF mini-textbooks and PowerPoint slides and come with supplementary materials. Access requires a membership. Check out our free sample lessons and materials to see what members get!

Free sample ESL teens lesson. Level Elementary (A1 – A2). Unit 1, Lesson 2A.

Things in the classroom

Classroom objects, writing a profile of your teacher.

(Unit 1, Lesson 4A – Level: Elementary A1-A2)

Free sample ESL teens lesson. Level Elementary (A1 – A2). Unit 2, Lesson 3A.

Out and about

Places around you, describing your home town.

(Unit 2, Lesson 3A – Level: Elementary A1-A2)

*For free samples in other levels, please use the level menu to go to those pages.

Our full list of full course lessons (Elementary A1 – A2)

Unit 1: Starting off



1A: Nice to meet you.   Greetings, introductions, saying where you are from.

1B: Where are you from?   Having short conversations at a party, saying where you are from, using contractions when speaking.

2A: Numbers and spelling.   Numbers 1-20 and telephone numbers.

2B: Spell it out.   Spelling words using the alphabet, asking Wh questions, exchanging personal information.

3A: Asking for help.   Asking for help in class, numbers between 20 – 100.

3B: Classroom rules.   Deciding on rules to use in the classroom, modals ‘should’ and ‘shouldn’t’.

4A: Things in the classroom.   Classroom objects, writing a profile of your teacher. FREE SAMPLE!

4B: Making mistakes.   Exploring errors, asking for personal information, writing a profile of a classmate.

Download full unit: Unit 1

Unit 2: Where and when



1A: On time.   Talking about days of the week and times of the day, saying how you feel in response to the question “How are you?”.

1B: How’s the weather?   Different weather conditions, time expressions, formality of greetings.

2A: Places, people and things.   Countries, nationalities and languages, creating a geography quiz.

2B: Around the world.   Different places and things in those places. Describing people, places and things with adjectives.

3A: Out and about.   Describing your home town, places and buildings. FREE SAMPLE!

3B: Getting around.   Saying where things are with prepositions, giving directions.

4A: Words, things and locations.   Different types of words and their grammar, places in a town.

4B: Where things are.   Prepositional phrases used to locate things, describing a room.

Download full unit: Unit 2

Unit 3: Fun & leisure



1A: Free time.   Activities and hobbies people do in their free time.

1B: After school activities.   Deciding on some new after school activities, agreeing or disagreeing with suggestions.

2A: Hobbies and pastimes.   Popular hobbies and pastimes, likes and dislikes.

2B: Adventurous activities.   Unusual hobbies, writing about interests, extreme sports.

3A: Sporting activities.   Sports and sporting activities.

3B: The most popular sport.   Sporting information, team and individual activities.

4A: Keeping in shape.   Benefits of sports, health and fitness.

4B: Sporting facts.   Sports around the world, sports quiz.

Download full unit: Unit 3

Unit 4: Amazing abilities



1A: I can do that.   Things people can and can’t do.

1B: Interesting website.   Creating a web page on how to do things well.

2A: Amazing kids.   People with special abilities.

2B: Talented kids.   Talented people, talking about reading habits.

3A: Body and mind.   Identifying parts of the body, animal facts.

3B: Raising awareness.   Similarities and differences.

4A: Changing times.   How things have changed, making comparisons.

4B: Being special.   Stating opinions and debating an issue.

Download full unit: Unit 4

Unit 5: Families & friends



1A: All in the family.   Family relationships.

1B: Presenting your family.   Introducing your family.

2A: Family roots.   Animal family groups, researching family history.

2B: Family generations.   Generations in families, friends questionnaire.

3A: Family research.   Family history.

3B: Profile of a family.   Timeline of a family, different kinds of families.

4A: The best of friends.   Friendship and close friends.

4B: Friends forever.   Describing friends.

Download full unit: Unit 5

Unit 6: A good meal



1A: On the menu.   Food and drink, mealtimes in the past.

1B: Healthy eating.   Healthy eating habits.

2A: At the café.   Breakfast, reading a menu, talking about prices.

2B: Ordering food.   Asking for things in cafés, canteens and restaurants.

3A: It’s so delicious.   Describing what you think of different types of food.

3B: Fancy a snack?   Snack habits survey.

4A: A good breakfast.   Eating routines.

4B: Food facts.   Food quiz, reading about eating competitions.

Download full unit: Unit 6

Unit 7: Shop until you drop



1A: A place to shop.   Shopping and products.

1B: Shopping habits.   Shopping habits survey, shopping statistics.

2A: The right change.   Money, buying and selling, online shopping.

2B: Comparing products.   Prices of products. comparing different brands.

3A: Buying necessities.   Pros and cons of shopping locally, packing for a trip.

3B: Shopping trip.   Creating a shopping list, asking politely for things.

4A: That’s my size.   Describing clothes, giving preferences.

4B: Shopping for clothes.   Buying clothes, the fashion industry.

Download full unit: Unit 7

Unit 8: Drop me a line



1A: Ways to communicate.   Different methods of communication.

1B: Secret codes.   Writing messages and interpreting signs.

2A: Tech talk.   Technology and phone apps.

2B: Future times.   Electronic devices, making future predictions.

3A: I’ll meet you later.   School timetables, plans for a school trip.

3B: Any plans?   Plans in your social life.

4A: Phone calls.   Using phones and other communication devices.

4B: I dropped my phone!   Tips for looking after your phone, your ideal phone.

Download full unit: Unit 8

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