Describing your bedroom lesson plan
“An ideal room”
Lesson 8 Level 4 Age 9-12
Lesson plans for ESL kids teachers

Lesson 8
Describing your bedroom
In this lesson students talk about their bedrooms. They read and write texts describing bedrooms with lots of bedroom objects vocabulary. They also practice using pronouns to show ownership.
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Age: 9-12 years
Time: 1 hour – 1 hour 30 mins
Objectives: Say the names of things in bedrooms, read a text about a boy’s bedroom, use pronouns to show ownership, talk and write about your bedroom.
Structures: “Her bedroom is pink”, “They’re cupboards”, “In my bedroom there [is / are] …”, “What that / those?”.
Key vocabulary: bedroom, bed, [hide_on_uk]drapes[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]curtains[/hide_on_us], pillow, bedcover, clothes, closet, cupboard, toys, telescope, lamp, light, desk, bookshelf, book.
Grammar focus:
– Personal pronouns, possessive adjectives & possessive pronouns (e.g. I – my – mine)
– Demonstratives (that / those)
Your students will need:
- a pen
- a pencil
- a notebook
- [hide_on_uk]colored[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]coloured[/hide_on_us] pencils
For this level 4 course, use either the PDF mini-textbooks – print out copies for each student, or if you have a projector or large screen you can use PowerPoint lessons. In both cases, follow the lesson through as it appears in the materials. The lesson is self-explanatory, and there are additional teaching notes below.
Lesson procedure:
Lesson objectives
Say the names of things in bedrooms
Read a text about a boy’s bedroom
Use pronouns to show ownership
Talk and write about your bedroom
1. Review continents & countries, geographical features
Students review the previous lesson.
Review a: Chorus the continents vocabulary then have students ask the questions about the countries.
Review b: Chorus the geographical features vocabulary then have students talk and ask questions about their region.
2. Reading about a bedroom, personal pronouns
1a: Students read a text about a boy’s bedroom. Have students read in pairs, one sentence at a time. After reading, have students turn over their texts – ask questions around the class about the text. You can also have students write their own comprehension questions to give to other pairs.
1b: Students practice personal pronouns. Have them work together in pairs to fill in the missing pronouns.
1c: Chorus the sentences and the pronouns / adjectives in the table. Then have pairs make sentences about things on their desk and in the classroom using these words.
3. Bedroom vocabulary, writing
1d: Students learn some key bedroom vocabulary that they will be able to use in their writing task. Chorus the vocabulary in the bedroom picture and write on the board. Have students suggest other bedroom items and also add them to the board. Then have pairs do the conversation and finally talk about what is in their bedrooms at home.
1e: Writing task – students follow the instructions to draw a picture of their bedroom. Then students write about their bedrooms and read their texts to the class.
Other lessons
Level 1 lessons (Age 3-5)
Level 2 lessons (Age 5-7)
Level 3 lessons (Age 7-9)
Level 4 lessons (Age 9-12)
Mini lessons (all ages)
Lessons in this level:
- Introductions and classroom objects
- Classroom objects and spelling things
- Pronouns and personal details
- Things we can and can’t do
- Describing your home
- Nationalities and describing your town
- Places and geographical features
- Describing your bedroom
- Talking about family members
- Describing the weather
- School subjects and timetables
- Daily routines (1)
- Daily routines (2)
- Food and drink
- Dishes from around the world
- Cooking and recipes