Cooking and recipes lesson plan
“In the kitchen”
Lesson 16 Level 4 Age 9-12
Lesson plans for ESL kids teachers

Lesson 16
Cooking and recipes
In this lesson students talk about cooking. They learn words and phrases for cooking, read a recipe on a blog and finally write their own recipe, explaining how to prepare that dish.
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Age: 9-12 years
Time: 1 hour – 1 hour 30 mins
Objectives: Learning words and phrases for cooking, reading and writing a blog profile and recipe, saying how to prepare a dish.
Structures: “Add plain flour to the bowl”, “Pour the milk in”, “Peel potatoes”.
Key vocabulary: kitchen, scale, mixing bowl, fridge, spoon, knife, fork, toaster, oven, mixer, kettle, frying pan, dishwasher, wooden spoon, blender, dishes, pan, cup, microwave, cup, table spoon, butter, margarine, sugar, flour, baking powder, milk, chocolate chips, add, preheat, put, pour, use, chop, cut, peel, boil, mash, fry.
Grammar focus:
– Using imperatives to give cooking instructions (add flour, pour in the milk).
Your students will need:
- a pen
- a pencil
- a notebook
- [hide_on_uk]colored[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]coloured[/hide_on_us] pencils
For this level 4 course, use either the PDF mini-textbooks – print out copies for each student, or if you have a projector or large screen you can use PowerPoint lessons. In both cases, follow the lesson through as it appears in the materials. The lesson is self-explanatory, and there are additional teaching notes below.
Lesson procedure:
Lesson objectives
Learn words and phrases for cooking
Read about a young cook
Say how to prepare a dish
Write a profile and a recipe for a blog
1. Review food and drink vocabulary
Students review the previous lesson.
Review a: Chorus the food and drink vocabulary paying special attention to the underlined stress. Students then practice saying sentences about their daily routines with a partner. Then chorus the speech bubble text and have students, in pairs, talk about the last time they ate out using the text as a model. Finally, students can ask you about your last meal out.
2. Cooking vocabulary
1a: Try to elicit some of the cooking equipment. Then chorus the vocabulary and have student match to the pictures.
1b: Students check their answers. They then test their partner on the vocabulary by following the instructions.
3. Read a blog profile and recipe
2a: Students read through the profile text about the girl and then answers the questions. They finally read through her blog profile.
2b: Elicit the dish in the picture (chocolate chip muffins) and ask if your students like them. Also ask if anyone has made this dish before – if so, elicit the equipment and ingredients used, if not, get students to guess what is needed to make them. Write the information on the board. Then students take turns reading recipe, checking if the information on the board is the same. They finally match the photos to the recipe item.
2c: In pairs, students take turns reading the instructions. Then they put the pictures in the correct order.
4. Writing – blog profile, recipe and instructions
3a: Have students complete their personal profile using the example as a model. Have everyone read their profiles to the class.
3b: Have your students match the cooking verbs to the pictures. Then have pairs discuss which verbs can be used with the food items in the textbox.
3c: Your students are now ready to write their blog post. Have them follow the instructions and use the model text to help them. End with everybody reading their text to the class.
Other lessons
Level 1 lessons (Age 3-5)
Level 2 lessons (Age 5-7)
Level 3 lessons (Age 7-9)
Level 4 lessons (Age 9-12)
Mini lessons (all ages)
Lessons in this level:
- Introductions and classroom objects
- Classroom objects and spelling things
- Pronouns and personal details
- Things we can and can’t do
- Describing your home
- Nationalities and describing your town
- Places and geographical features
- Describing your bedroom
- Talking about family members
- Describing the weather
- School subjects and timetables
- Daily routines (1)
- Daily routines (2)
- Food and drink
- Dishes from around the world
- Cooking and recipes