Funny sentences lesson plan

Early reading mini lessons

Level 3 (Early readers) Age 5-12

Early reading mini lessons for ESL kids teachers

Early reading lessons for ESL kids

Funny sentences

These mini lessons focus on the early stages of reading for ESL students. Students learn to read, understand and write 6 sentences per mini-lesson.

These lessons are for Early reader level students. This is a mini lesson plan.

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Use this mini-lesson within your main lesson for reading and writing practice. You will need to download and print out the “Funny sentences” PDF file before the lesson. Alternatively, show the file on a PC screen.

Students should have completed the alphabet and letter clusters mini-lessons before starting these lessons.

We strongly advise NOT dedicating a full lesson to early reading – we suggest including a 10-15-minute section each lesson for doing a reading segment.

Mini-lesson procedure:

Read the sentences

1. Read the sentences
Before class, download the “Funny sentences” PDF file (there are 6 files for 6 mini-lessons) – either print it out or show on a PC screen in class.

Show the first page and explain that everyone will read some funny sentences. Get everyone to read out the words slowly together. Help with vowel sounds and clusters. When they have read the sentence chorus it 3x.

Then show the page with the funny picture on to confirm the sentence was read correctly. Continue for all of the sentences.

2. Write the sentences on the board
Give a marker / chalk to a student and have them come to the board. Show him/her one sentence from the funny sentences everyone has just read, but don’t let the rest of the class see.

The student writes the sentence on the board and the rest of the students must shout out the sentence as it is written. Points can be awarded to the student who shouts out the sentence first.

Repeat for the other sentences with different students.

Do the Funny sentences printing sheet

3. Do the “Funny sentences” printing sheet
We’ll finish with some printing practice. Hold up the worksheet and model printing the letters in the first sentence. Clearly show the directions of printing each letter and emphasize the importance of staying on the line. Then draw a picture representing the sentence.

Have your students work on their worksheets. Spend time with each student helping, asking what the letters and words are, and praising.

Alternatively, give out the worksheets for homework.

Other lessons


Level 1 lessons (Age 3-5)
Level 2 lessons (Age 5-7)
Level 3 lessons (Age 7-9)
Level 4 lessons (Age 9-12)
Mini lessons (all ages)

Mini lessons:

Alphabet a-z:

Letter clusters + phonics:

Letter clusters

Early reading:

Funny sentences

Reading short texts:

  1. I’m Tom
  2. Paula the penguin
  3. Superhero kids
  4. Rob the robot
  5. My bedroom
  6. Ronaldo is great
  7. Winola the witch
  8. A super tall building

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