Easter lesson plan

“Happy Easter!”

Special lesson Level 2 Age 5-7

Lesson plans for ESL kids teachers

Easter ESL lesson plan

Special lesson


In this lesson, students are introduced to some common Easter vocabulary. They also make an Easter craft, sing an Easter song, read a fun story and play lots of fun games, including an Easter egg hunt.

Members get accompanying flashcards, worksheets, songs and readers.

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In this lesson, students are introduced to some common Easter vocabulary, make an Easter craft and, of course, play lots of fun games. During the lesson, students will collect mini-Easter eggs, so a good supply of mini-eggs and a basket to collect them in will be needed.

Lesson procedure:

Warm up and maintenance:


1. Greetings
Greet each student by name as they enter the classroom and say, “Happy Easter!” – try to get them to say this back to you.

Gesture for them to sit down (on cushions if you have them) in a fan-shape around you.

Name tags

2. Name tags
By now your students shouldn’t have any problems writing their names, so there is no need to give them name cards to copy from. However, keep their name cards handy, just in case some students still have problems.

Simply give a blank name tag to each student to write their name on in pencil and stick it on.

Introduce glove puppet - greetings and introductions activity

3. Glove puppet greetings
Bring out your glove puppet bag and have everyone shout “Hello!“ into the bag until he wakes up and jumps out of the bag. Then model chatting with the glove puppet …

Puppet: “Hello”, What’s your name?”
Teacher: “My name is…”.
Puppet: “How are you?”
Teacher: “I’m fine, thank you”.

… and then have the puppet say hello to each student and ask them the same questions. Then have the puppet ask any other questions practiced in previous lessons. Finally, go around saying “Goodbye” and “See you” before going back into the bag and back to sleep.

4. Sing the “Hello song”
Sit in a circle and sing the song (clap along or pat knees).

Lyrics for the “Hello song”

Hello, hello,
How are you today?
Hello, hello,
How are you today?

I’m fine, thank you,
I’m fine, thank you,
I’m fine, thank you,
And how about you?

Hello, hello,
How are you today?
I’m fine, thank you,
And how about you?

Gestures for the “Hello song”

These are quite straight forward. First time you play the song do the gestures and encourage everyone to do them with you.

  • Wave as you sing the “Hello, hello” parts.
  • Gesture to others as you sing, “How are you today?”
  • Point to yourself as you sing, “I’m fine, thank you”
  • Hand gesture towards another student as you sing, “And how about you?”.
Sing the "Hello song"

[hide_on_uk]Short sample (members get full-length song):

[hide_on_us]Short sample (members get full-length song):

Song download

Music only

Song video

Song posters

Homework check

5. Homework check
Check each student’s homework that you set in the last lesson. Ask each student some questions about their homework worksheet (e.g. “What’s this?”, etc.), give lots of praise, and then put some kind of mark on the homework sheet (e.g. a sticker, a stamp or draw a smiley face).

Finally, tell your students to put their homework back into their bags.

6. Do “Exercise routine” activity
Say the following and have the students follow your lead:

Exercise routine
  • “Stand up” (Teacher stands and so does everyone else)
  • “Hands up / hands down” (do 4 or 5 times)
  • “Jump” (4 or 5 times)
  • “Kick” (4 or 5 times)
  • “Run! / Stop!” (4 or 5 times)
  • “Turn around! / Stop!” (4 or 5 times)
  • “Wiggle!” (a few seconds)
  • finally “Sit down”.

New learning and practice:

Show a picture of the Easter rabbit.

1. Introduce the Easter rabbit
Tell your students that today is a special lesson – an Easter lesson! Show a picture of the Easter rabbit. Teach “Easter rabbit”.

Ask students to show you their Easter rabbit impression, and join in, hopping around the classroom (say “hop, hop, hop”).

2. Make craft: Easter bunny ears
Your students are going to make cute bunny ears headbands to wear in class!

easter bunny ears 1

Before class: prepare the shapes: cut a strip of card for the headband and two ear shapes (including pink inner ears) per student. Also make one for yourself so you can show your students.

In class: explain that we need some rabbit ears and take out the craft and put it on your head. Tell your students they are going to make the same craft. Give headband strips and ear shapes to your students and let them decorate them with crayons, paint, markers, glitter, etc. Finally, measure the headband on each student’s head and glue or staple in place and glue on the ears. Your students can now wear this for the duration of the lesson!

Make Easter bunny ears

3. Sing “The Easter song”
Now that you have made your rabbit ears let’s have some fun being rabbits! First teach the two gestures: hopping around like a rabbit and looking for Easter eggs. Then play the song and have everyone hop around and have fun.

Lyrics for “The Easter song”

Easter rabbit, Easter rabbit,
Comes when I’m in bed,
Easter rabbit, Easter rabbit,
Hiding chocolate eggs.

Verse 1:
Look in the garden (garden)
Look in the living room (living room)
Look in the kitchen (kitchen)
Look everywhere!

Where are the chocolate eggs?


Verse 2:
Look in the bedroom (bedroom)
Look in the dining room (dining room)
Look in the bathroom (bathroom)
Look everywhere!

Where are the chocolate eggs?

Verse 3:
I’ve found my chocolate eggs!
I’ve found my chocolate eggs!
Yummy! Yummy! Yummy! Yummy!
Chocolate eggs!

Gestures for “The Easter song”

The actions for this song are very simple, fun and energetic – lots of hopping around like a rabbit!

Everyone stands up for the song:

  • For the chorus, everyone hops around the classroom like a rabbit
  • For the verses, pretend to be looking for Easter eggs (gesture with palm of hand over eyes)
The Easter song

[hide_on_uk]Short sample (members get full-length song):

[hide_on_us]Short sample (members get full-length song):

Song download

Music only

Song video

Song posters

Basket of mini-Easter eggs.

4. Teach new vocabulary: Easter egg, chocolate, basket
Take out the Easter bunny picture again. Point to the Easter eggs in the bunny’s basket and ask what they are and teach / elicit: “Easter egg”. Take out a mini-Easter egg (the type which is covered in [hide_on_uk]colorful[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]colourful[/hide_on_us] foil).

Teach / elicit: “Easter egg” and “chocolate”.

Elicit the [hide_on_uk]colors[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]colours[/hide_on_us] of the foil. Take out a small basket (or even a paper box is fine) and teach “basket”. Put the egg in the basket.

5. Teach / Review “Do you like ~”, “Yes, I do”, “No, I don’t”
Take off the foil wrapper and show the chocolate egg. Say, “Yummy!”. Then say, “I like chocolate!”, and eat the Easter egg, all the time saying “yummy!”.

Teach Do you like?

At this point your students will probably be clamoring for an egg. Give out a little basket (simple paper boxes are also fine) to each student. Pull out another egg (it is probably a good idea to have them hidden somewhere, e.g. in a large pocket) and ask one student, “Do you like chocolate?”.

Teach / Elicit, “Yes, I do” (or “No, I don’t” in the unlikely event that someone doesn’t like chocolate!). Continue with all the students – only giving the eggs to kids who answer correctly (come back to the ones who made a mistake later).

Don’t let your student eat the eggs – they have to collect and keep in their baskets to take home.

Teach prepositions of location

6. Teach / Review prepositions of location “in”, “on”, “under”
Take out a small box and elicit / teach “box”. Put an egg in the box. Ask “Where is the Easter egg?”. Teach “It’s in the box”. Chorus this phrase x3.

Next teach / elicit “on” and “under” the box (each time chorusing x3). Then do a check by putting the egg in, on and under the box and asking your students where the egg is.

Do with a few more objects in place of the box (e.g. pencil case, book, etc.).

Preposition Easter egg hunt

7. Do the “Easter egg hunt”
Now we’ve got our baskets, let’s hunt for some Easter eggs! Before class, hide 4 eggs per student all around the classroom – in drawers, on shelves, under cushions … anywhere you can think of (try to remember where they are!).

Say to one student “Look in / on / under (the book)” (you can point). The student can go and look and then find the egg and put in his/her basket. Do twice for each student so that everyone has collected two eggs each.

Finally, say that there are two more eggs per student hidden in the classroom. Let everyone go off hunting (but they must each stop after finding two more eggs).

As your students are hunting you can help them out by giving more directions using prepositions. At the end, get everyone count their eggs.

Do the Find the Easter eggs worksheet

8. Do “Find the Easter eggs” worksheet
This is a nice worksheet which mirrors the Easter egg hunt activity your students just did. Give all the students the worksheet and have them follow the lines and [hide_on_uk]color[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]colour[/hide_on_us] the Easter eggs.

As they are working, ask individual students questions (e.g. What’s this?, What [hide_on_uk]color[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]colour[/hide_on_us] is it?, etc.).

Read and write time

9. Read and write time
This segment can be part of all your lessons. Spend 10 to 15 minutes building up your students’ writing and reading skills. You’ll need to assess your students’ reading/writing level and then choose to start at one of the following stages:

Reading and writing activities by level:

1. Beginners: students cannot read or write the alphabet.
Each lesson introduce 3 lower-case letters of the alphabet (first lesson will be a, b, c).  Use flashcards to do this.  Play alphabet games and do printing worksheets.
» See our ‘Alphabet a-z (lowercase)’ mini-lesson plans for full details.

2. Early starters: students have experience with the alphabet but need phonics practice.
Each lesson introduce 5 lower-case letters of the alphabet (first lesson will be a, b, c, d, e).  Use flashcards to do this.  Start by working on the sounds of the letters and then move onto letter clusters (e.g. sh, ee, etc).
» See our ‘Alphabet’ and ‘Letter clusters’ mini-lesson plans for full details.

3. Early readers.
Work on reading and writing simple sentences with lots of practice activities.
» See our ‘Early reading’ mini-lesson plans for full details. (click on “Early reading” tab)

4. Elementary readers: students can read and write simple sentences well.
Work on reading and writing short texts and stories.
» See our ‘Reading short texts’ mini-lessons for full details. (click on “Reading short texts” tab)

10. Read classroom reader “Where are the chocolate eggs?”
This classroom readers ties in perfectly with the Easter egg hunt and worksheet your students have just finished.

Before class, download and print off the reader “Where are the chocolate eggs?”. As you go through each page, point to the pictures and ask where the Easter Egg is hidden, helping with vocabulary:

Where are the chocolate eggs? reader

Teacher: Where is the chocolate egg? (with kitchen page open)
Students: The oven!
Teacher: Yes, that’s right! Is it on the oven?
Students: No, in the oven!
Teacher: Yes, good job! The chocolate egg is in the oven!

Get the students really involved in the story by asking lots of questions (e.g. eliciting the objects and the [hide_on_uk]colors[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]colours[/hide_on_us] of the eggs).

After reading the story, give out a reader worksheet to each student and have everyone complete the exercise. Then go through the answers as a class by reading the story quickly again.

Alternatively, watch our video version of the reader (Internet connection required).

Pin the tail on the Easter rabbit

11. Play “Pin the tail on the Easter rabbit”
Create the rabbit with our “Pin the tail to the rabbit” sheet. You’ll also need cotton balls and tape.

Put the sheet on the wall and blindfolded each student in turn – they have to pin the tail (cotton ball with tape) onto the rabbit. Mini-Easter Eggs can be prizes!

Wrap up:

Assign homework

1. Assign homework: “Easter egg [hide_on_uk]color[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]colour[/hide_on_us] code” worksheet
Hold up the homework worksheet – this is a fun coloring activity. Model by pointing to letters on the Easter eggs and the key – demonstrate [hide_on_uk]coloring[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]colouring[/hide_on_us] in one of the eggs using the [hide_on_uk]color[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]colour[/hide_on_us] code.

Give out the worksheets and say, “Put your homework in your bags” and help them to do so – this is important as they will probably want to start working on them right away.

Say goodbye to the glove puppet

2. Say goodbye to the glove puppet
Take out the bag again and get everyone to wake up the glove puppet by shouting its name into the bag (e.g. “Cookie Monster!”). Bring out the puppet and go through the same routine – go to each student and say hello, ask their name and the say goodbye / see you. Then put the puppet back in the bag (back to sleep).

3. Sing the “Goodbye song”
Sit together in a circle and sing and clap along.

Lyrics for the “Goodbye song”

Sing the "Goodbye song"

Goodbye, goodbye,
See you again.
Goodbye, goodbye,
See you again.

It’s time to go,
It’s time to go,
It’s time to go,
See you next time.

Goodbye, goodbye,
See you again.
It’s time to go,
See you next time.

Gestures for the “Goodbye song”

These are quite straight forward. First time you play the song do the gestures and encourage everyone to do them with you.

  • Wave as you sing the “Goodbye, goodbye” parts.
  • Hold your hand above your eyes (as you would when you are looking into the distance and keeping the sun out of your eyes) and look at another student as you sing, “See you again”.
  • Tap watch (or imaginary watch) and then point to the door as you sing, “It’s time to go”.
  • Point towards another student as you sing, “See you next time”.

[hide_on_uk]Short sample (members get full-length song):

[hide_on_us]Short sample (members get full-length song):

Song download

Music only

Song video

Song posters

Do "Quick check" and say goodbye

4. Do “Quick check” and say goodbye
Time to leave the class. Make sure everything is put away and the students have gathered their belongings. Have them line up at the door and place yourself between the door and the students.

As each student goes to the door to leave the classroom hold up a mini-Easter egg and ask, “Do you like chocolate?”.

If you receive a good answer, give the chocolate egg to the student and allow them to leave the room, otherwise they go back to the end of the line – they will have to try again once they reach the front!

Other lessons


Level 1 lessons (Age 3-5)
Level 2 lessons (Age 5-7)
Level 3 lessons (Age 7-9)
Level 4 lessons (Age 9-12)
Mini lessons (all ages)

Lessons in this level:

  1. Intro lesson
  2. [hide_on_uk]Colors[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]Colours[/hide_on_us] & fruit 1
  3. [hide_on_uk]Colors[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]Colours[/hide_on_us] & fruit 2
  4. Fruit and counting 1
  5. Fruit and counting 2
  6. Review lesson: [hide_on_uk]colors[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]colours[/hide_on_us], fruit and counting
  7. Body and shapes 1
  8. Body and shapes 2
  9. Body and shapes 3
  10. Farm animals
  11. Zoo animals
  12. Review lesson: body, shapes and animals
  13. Classroom objects and toys 1
  14. Classroom objects and toys 2
  15. Our world 1
  16. Our world 2
  17. Weather
  18. Review lesson: classroom, toys, our world, weather
  19. Clothes 1
  20. Clothes 2
  21. Vegetables and likes 1
  22. Vegetables and likes 2
  23. Feelings and emotions 1
  24. Feelings and emotions 2
  25. Review lesson: clothes, vegetables & likes, feelings
  26. Directions
  27. Wheels on the bus
  28. Can for ability 1
  29. Can for ability 2
  30. Stationery and possessions 1
  31. Stationery and possessions 2
  32. Stationery and possessions 3
  33. Pets and possessions 1
  34. Pets and possessions 2
  35. Review lesson: directions, ability, stationery, pets, possessions

Special lessons:

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