This is your new home

All the ESL TeenStuff materials are now on this site. There are also some new materials!

Let’s start!

1. Logging into your account

You don’t need to do anything! Your ESL Teens membership has already been added to your account!

We have transferred your ESL TeenStuff account over to ESL KidStuff. However, for security reasons, you will need to change your password.

Please complete the below form with your ESL TeenStuff username or your ESL TeenStuff account email address:

Please enter your email address or username below.

After you click “Submit” an email will be sent to the email address you used to register on ESL TeenStuff. Please check your spam box if you don’t receive it.

After opening the email, click the link to update your password. Please note the following when updating your password:

  1. Current Password: leave this field as it is. Do not change it.
  2. New Password: type in a password here
  3. Confirm password: type in the same password as you entered in the New Password field.

And that’s it!

If you have any problems, please contact us here. Will will reply very soon and help you. Please be sure to include your ESL TeenStuff username, password and email address in your message.

2. Accessing ESL Teens materials.

After logging in, use the menu at the top of the page.

Select Lessons –> Teens lessons.

If you have any questions, please contact us here.