Daily routines games and activities
for ESL kids lessons
Games and activities for teaching “Daily routines” to ESL kids

Clock fun
Have all of your students make a clock (our crafts page has a great one) and explain their daily routines using the clock to say what times they do things. Then the teacher (or pairs of students) ask questions. E.g. What time do you usually eat breakfast? What time do you usually go to bed? Etc. Move the clock arms to the correct times.

Meal routines throw
This activity practices adverbs such as never, rarely, sometimes, usually, often, always. First, get the students to write down as many food words on the blackboard as they can in 3 minutes (if you have a large class, have the students shout out and the teacher writes the words down). Then make 2 teams. In Team A, student 1 throws a screwed up paper ball at the board. Whatever food word it hits the student must make a sentence using the structure “I _ eat _ for (breakfast, lunch or dinner), e.g. “I sometimes eat chicken for dinner”. If the student successfully hits a word and makes a good sentence he/she wins a point for his team. If the student misses a word or gets the sentence wrong his/her team misses out on a point.

Daily routines lesson plans
We also have a couple of FREE lesson plans on daily routines which includes games and activities as well as other lesson materials. Click the links to view and download:

Morning routines song
We have a song available for download focusing on morning routines using the vocabulary “Good morning”, “wake up”, “get up”, “wash my face”, “brush my hair”, “get dressed”, “eat breakfast”, “brush my teeth”, “put on my shoes”, “go to school”.
It is called “The morning routines song“.

Time guess
On 12 small squares of paper write down key hourly times (e.g. 6am, 7am, 12pm, 4pm, 6pm, etc.). Also include a few “wild cards” with a question mark written on them. Fold the squares of paper and put into a small box.
Students sit around the box and take turns taking out a piece of paper. They have to make a sentence based on their daily routine at that time using the structure, “I usually ________ at ___o’clock”, for example:
- I usually wake up at 6 o’clock in the morning.
- I usually eat breakfast at 7 o’clock in the morning.
- I usually do homework at 6 o’clock in the evening.
- etc.
If a student picks a wild card they can make a sentence about any time of the day. If the student makes a perfect sentence they keep the piece of paper, if not it goes back into the box. The person with the most pieces of paper at the end is the winner.