Clothes games and activities
for ESL kids lessons

Games and activities for teaching “Clothes” to ESL kids


Clothes fun

Students form teams of 3. Each team has a bag with some clothes in it. The first team member puts on the clothes. He/She must say, “This is my shirt”, “These are my trousers”, “This is my hat”, etc., with each item of clothing. Then when all the clothes are on, they say, ” I’m dressed” and start removing the clothes, passing them to the next team member, who repeats the process.

If you have some fancy high-heeled shoes and silly hats this is a really fun game! Very young beginner students will normally only say, “shirt”, “hat”, etc. but it’s still a worthwhile game for the vocabulary. My students loved it!

ESL Kids Lesson Plans

Clothes lesson plan

We also have a FREE lesson plan about clothes and getting dressed which includes games and activities as well as other lesson materials.

Click to download our Clothes lesson plan.

ESL Kids Songs

Clothes song

We have a song available for download focusing on clothes and getting dressed called “Let’s get dressed“.

It includes the key vocabulary: shirt, [hide_on_uk]pants[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]trousers[/hide_on_us], socks, jacket, shoes, hat.


Drawing clothes fun

Split your class into groups of 6 and give each student a piece of paper to draw on. Assign what each student in the group will draw: Student 1 will draw a hat, Student 2 a head, Student 3 a shirt, Student 4 pants, Student 5 shoes and socks, Student 6 arms and a watch. Don’t let each student see what the others in their group are drawing. Also, get them to [hide_on_uk]color[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]colour[/hide_on_us] in their drawings. Finally, give each group a piece of construction paper and get them to cut out and glue their creations to the construction paper. They will love what they have created!

Get dressed!

This is a game that I used with my primary school children who have just started learning English. You need a big bag of clothes to play this game.

  1. Split the class into 2 or 3 teams.
  2. On the board write teams 1, 2 and 3 plus the names of the team members.
  3. Each team needs to designate who they are going to dress.
  4. Write items of clothing (between 4 and 6 items) under each group.
  5. Tell the children that the first team to dress their person is the winner. Tell them to ‘get ready’, count down and then empty a bag of clothes on the floor.

The kids loved this game. Even the 2 children who wanted to sit out and watch were screeching with laughter. To add a bit more fun, if the team has chosen to dress a boy in their group I add ‘dress’ or ‘skirt’ to their list. (Submitted by G Holwill)


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