Classroom objects & stationery games and activities
for ESL kids lessons
Games and activities for teaching “Classroom objects & stationery” to ESL kids

I spy
Teacher says, “I spy with my little eye something that begins with B”. Students try to guess the object (e.g. “book”).

Label the classroom
There are three versions of this:
- For the very young: print and cut out images of classroom objects (the flashcards on this site are great for this), put some tape on the back and give some pictures to each student. Each time teach / elicit each object (door, bookcase, drawers, pen, etc). The then walk around the class stick the pictures on the objects. Once done, say to your students “Give me the (door) picture”, and the kids go and fetch the correct picture and give to you. You could wait for this last part until the end of the lesson as a fun review.
- Reading recognition: write labels of various classroom objects before class on post-its and stick them all around the room (on the wrong objects). Students have to move the labels and stick them to the correct objects
- Writing practice: have your students write labels for various classroom objects on post-its. Then stick them to the correct objects. At the end of the class as a review, get all the students to rearrange the labels and then put back on to the correct objects again.

Classroom objects & stationery lesson plans
We have FREE lesson plans on Classroom objects & stationery which include games and activities as well as other lesson materials.
- Click to download our Classroom objects lesson plan.
- Click to download our Classroom stationery lesson plan.

Classroom stationery song
We have a song available for download focusing on using classroom stationery called “What’s in your bag?“. It can be used as a fun active listening activity.

Have students run around the classroom touching things that teacher orders them to touch (e.g. “Touch a desk”, “Touch the door”, “Touch your school bag”, etc.).

Vanishing classroom objects game
This is great fun. Set up the classroom so there are various objects visible, e.g. a book, a school bag, a chair, pens, pencils, [hide_on_uk]an eraser[/hide_on_uk][hide_on_us]a rubber[/hide_on_us], a stapler, a calculator, etc. – basically whatever vocab you have pre-taught.
Give the students a minute to look at the room. Then ask everyone to leave the room. The teacher then hides one object (not so easy for bigger objects like a chair, but you could cover with a sheet) and asks the students to come back in. They have to say what is missing. It’s good to start with some easy things and then get progressively harder.
Variation: the student who guesses the missing object first can hide the next object.