2 thoughts on “New Classroom Reader: Find Me in the Classroom”

  1. This is such a wonderful idea! I think hands-on or messy learning is the best way to teach kids. Not only does it make the lesson memorable for the students but it also makes it fun.I had a similar experience in the classroom I am teacher aiding in. In my class the students are mostly Arabic, so they had never celebrated Halloween before. They were not only excited that they got to dress up, but there were also lots of fun activities planned. Only a couple students had ever really seen or carved a pumpkin before. So the teacher brought in a huge pumpkin for the class to carve. After we cut open the top, all the students go to come up one at a time to help scoop out the pumpkin guts. They absolutely loved it!I think it would be amazing to do a this Thanksgiving feast with my students. Especially since there is so much history to share with them about Thanksgiving. I really like how you made the feast so authentic. It just makes the experience so much more exciting and memorable for the students!

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